Are you curious if you are transgender or not? Take this trans test and get an honest answer.
What Makes This Trans Test Stand Out
Discussing gender is very sensitive. Therefore, we went above and beyond in crafting ideal questions. You won’t find nonsense like “What coffee do you like” on a quiz that is supposed to reveal if you are trans or not.
There are no right or wrong answers. The only thing this quiz needs to operate properly is your honesty.
What Does Trans Mean?
The moment we enter this world, a doctor looks at us and determines if we are male or female. Most people grow up to identify with the gender they were assigned. But, not all of them. Some people feel like their innate knowledge does not fit with the expectations of their assigned gender. They are commonly known as transgenders, or trans for short.
A person who was thought to be a man but now lives as a woman is called a transwoman. Similarly, a person who was considered a woman at birth but now lives as a man is a transman.
A portion of trans people may know they are more comfortable identifying as the opposite gender than the assigned one from a young age. Others go through a questioning phase where they learn more about transgender before determining if it is right for them. For them, a trans test like this one is a perfect starting point.
Being Trans Doesn’t Determine Their Sexuality
Transgender’s person gender does not determine their sexuality. Regardless of how they identify, they can be gay, omnisexual, pansexual, or anything they wish to.
What Is A Transition?
Transition is a process or an action a transgender person takes to make others recognize their internal gender. They are categorized into three main forms: social, legal, and medical. There are dozens and dozens of smaller steps wrapped inside them.
For instance, a transgender person may start their journey by asking people close to them to call them by a different name or pronouns or by changing their dressing style and appearance.
4 Signs That You Are Transgender
Taking a trans test is a great way of knowing if you are indeed trans or not. However, it is not the only one. Transgender people share certain traits and characteristics. Are they true for you?
You Enjoy Cross Dressing
Trying on your siblings or partner’s clothes is not just a one-time thing for you. You enjoy the way you feel wearing their clothes. On top of that, you sometimes find your wardrobe repulsive. Ugh, why can’t it be more like your loved one’s?
You Get An Ick When Someone Calls Your Name
You get very uncomfortable when others call you by your name. The reasoning is simple. You do not feel like that name belongs to you. After all, how often do you meet a woman named John, or a man named Stacy?
You Didn’t Adhere To Traditional Norms As A Child
Usually, boys play with cars, soldiers, and action figures. Girls play with dolls, plushies, and play sets. But you didn’t. You always felt like doing the opposite of the expectations.
You Hide Physical Signs Of Your Assigned Gender
You feel uncomfortable and hide some physical parts of your assigned gender. For example, as a transman, you try to hide your breasts as much as possible. Or, as a transwoman, you ensure you never have any facial hair.