Are you pondering if you are pansexual or not? Take our test and get an honest answer.
What Is a Pansexual Quiz?
Discovering your sexuality through a quiz might seem ludicrous. Yet, that is exactly what our pansexuality test aims to achieve. With the help of psychologists, we put together 20 thought-provoking questions. The most important thing when it comes to test accuracy is your honesty.
That said, sexuality is a unique experience. Consider the results of this test as a nudge in the right direction rather than a definitive answer.
Who Is Pansexual?
Pansexuality is a sexual attraction to anyone regardless of their gender. Moreover, pansexual people don’t even notice the gender of a person they are attracted to. Due to that, there are many misconceptions surrounding them.
The most common myth is that pansexuals are attracted to everyone. That is simply false. Much like everyone else, they consider subjective values when choosing their partners. In return, they may be attracted to someone, while feeling nothing towards another person.
What Makes Pansexuality Different From Omnisexuality, Bisexuality, and Panromanticism?
Pansexuality, bisexuality, and omnisexuality are incredibly similar. The prefix “pan” comes from the Greek meaning “all”. Similarly, the prefix “omni” means “all” as well, while “bi” means “two”. So, what is the difference between these fascinating sexual orientations?
Pansexual vs Panromantic
Pansexuality and panromantic describe an attraction towards the same target, just a different type of it. Pansexuals are sexually attracted to any gender, while panromantics romantically. That said, a pansexual person can be panromantic as well, but not necessarily. After all, romantic and sexual orientations are two separate terms.
Pansexual vs Bisexual
For the longest time, bisexuality meant being attracted to male and female gender. Over time, it evolved with the times and is now used by people who are attracted to not just two, but multiple genders. It is distinctive from pansexuality because bisexuals are not necessarily attracted to all genders.
Pansexual vs Omnisexual
Pansexuality and omnisexuality both describe attraction to all genders. The need for two terms and their uniqueness arises from their perception of gender. Pansexuals do not notice it at all. On the other hand, omnisexuals notice and pay attention to their partner’s gender.
More Resources
Taking our pansexuality test isn’t the only way to learn more about this intriguing sexuality. Read through the experiences of other pansexuals on forums such as Reddit, and see if yours matches theirs. Additionally, talking with a therapist is a great way to learn more about who you are. Consider them your friends and teachers as you discover more about yourself.
Lastly, The Trevor Project has countless resources you may find helpful.