Omnisexual Test – Are You Omnisexual?

Are you eager to find out if you are omnisexual or not? Take our in-depth omnisexual test and get to the bottom of your sexuality.


Am I Omnisexual Quiz

This omnisexuality quiz has 20 unique and researched questions that will allow you to learn more about yourself and your connection with omnisexuality. There are three types of questions:

Scenario-based questions: You will be put in different scenarios and will have to choose your reaction.

Single-choice questions: The most common question type, there are 4 possible answers to a question and you have to choose the one that is most true for you.

True or False statements: After seeing a statement, you will have to respond whether it is true or false for you.

What Is Omnisexuality?

Omnisexuality is a type of sexual orientation that describes a person who is attracted to people of all genders. That includes but is not limited to, men, women, nonbinary people, and any other gender. It is not one of the big sexualities, but it spread worldwide in the early 2000s. People are called to celebrate omnisexuality annually on the 21st of March.

Omnisexuals ability to be attracted to anyone prompted many myths. The biggest is that they are attracted to everyone. That is completely false. Just like a gay person is not attracted to all gay people, an omnisexual is not attracted to everyone either. While the person’s gender is not important to them, they still pay attention to it. On top of that, they look for someone they like for subjective reasons. Such as their physical appearance or different personality traits.

Lastly, an omnisexual flag consists of five stripes with different colors. They are light pink and blue, dark pink, dark blue, and purple.

Omnisexuality Is Different From Pansexuality

If you researched omnisexuality, you surely came across the term pansexuality. Pansexuality is very similar to omnisexuality and some people even use it interchangeably. However, it slightly differs from omnisexuality so let’s clear it up.

As mentioned previously, omnisexuals may be attracted to any gender. The same is true for pansexuals. However, while an omnisexual person notices their partner’s gender, a pansexual doesn’t. They are gender blind and don’t consider it a relevant factor in their attraction to others.

The Test Said I Am Omnisexual, What Now?

Sexuality is unique for everyone. Therefore, you can take this information however you see fit. If you want to say it to everyone, you are more than welcome to do so. On the other hand, if you want to keep it close to your heart, that’s fine as well. You are solely responsible for who you share your sexuality.

Moreover, do not look at our omnisexual test as a definitive answer. Instead, consider it a first step to exploring this wonderful sexuality. If you ever hit a wall and don’t know how to continue, consider speaking to a qualified professional. They’ll be able to guide you on your road of self-discovery.

Here are some useful links:

Empty Closets
Omnisexuality Subreddit