Am I Manipulative Quiz? – 100% Honest Manipulator Test

Did someone call you manipulative or do you simply want to check if you are one? Take our honest quiz and see if you are a manipulative person.


Discover If You Are Manipulative With A Quiz

Manipulative people are toxic and despised by society. Therefore, if you are going down that path, it’s crucial to know it before it is too late. With just 20 thought-provoking questions, our quiz will tell you whether or not you are manipulative.

It is important to note that the quiz is as accurate as honest you are. Thus, take your time on each question and only select the answer that is most honest for you.

Are You Manipulative?

Manipulation is a type of behavior used to make someone do something that you want. It is a tactic people use to make others behave in a specific way without telling them how or why. Instead, the goal is to make them do it without them knowing you want it. In short, you are manipulative if you feel like you need to push a person to do a specific thing without straight up telling them what it is.

Manipulative people, in short manipulators, use different behaviors to get what they want. For instance, they may gaslight, lie, guilt-trip, or abuse their victim. While most of the manipulation is done consciously, people who resort to it too much may begin doing it subconsciously as well.

These Signs Scream Manipulator

There are many factors to consider before calling someone a manipulator. Here are our five most important ones:

You Lie As Easy As You Breathe

Have you ever heard a raconteur speak? They can make any everyday story sound like the most magnificent prose with no effort. Similarly, manipulators can lie without thinking twice about it. It is their natural behavior and comes as easy as breathing.

Promises Are An Unknown Concept For You

Promises are a delicate thing. By sharing it with someone, you are entrusting them with it. Except, manipulators don’t view it that way. To them, promises are just one extra thing they can use to control you and your actions.

Guilt-tripping Was Practically Made For You

Expressing disappointment with something is a normal behavior. Doing so in an attempt to gain something out of it, however, is a huge red flag. Manipulators guilt-trip their victims to mask their true intentions.

You Do Nice Things, But Only When You Get Something In Return

Manipulators have a “gift” to turn something nice like a compliment into an ugly statement. In this case, the problem doesn’t lie with the compliment itself, but rather what lies behind it. A manipulative person gives it only when they expect something in return. The same concept can be applied elsewhere, for example when they give presents or share information.

You Will Stop At Nothing To Reach Your Goal

The point of manipulation is to reach a certain goal. Whether it is to make a person do something or act a specific way, manipulators will use anything at their disposal to get there. Does that sound like you?

The Test Said I Am Manipulative, What Now?

Manipulation is a horrific behavior, and our test confirming it is concerning. Whether it is a false positive or not, you should reconsider how you treat others. Try to be more genuine without thinking only about yourself.

If you are struggling to get over your manipulative behavior, speak to people you trust. Together, set up a plan to get better, as well as signals they will give you once you fall back into your old patterns. Lastly, you may consider reaching out to a therapist or other trained professional.