Am I Genderfluid Quiz – 100% Honest Genderfluid Test

Do you experience gender shifts often? Do you feel like identifying as a woman one week, and then as a man or another gender another? Take our honest test and see if you are genderfluid.


What Makes Our Genderfluid Test Stand Out

First of all, we understand that a test is not a perfect solution for unraveling something as complex as human gender. However, we believe it is a great starting point for anyone learning more about themselves and their place in the world.

With that out of the way, we can focus on the finer parts of our genderfluid quiz. It has 20 questions that help us evaluate how you compare to other genderfluid people. There are no right or wrong answers, but you have to be honest to get an accurate estimation.

Hold on, What Is Genderfluidity?

The notion of binary genders, men and women, is openly dismissed by many people. They advocate that there are more than two genders. Moreover, the world has agreed that there are over 72 genders out there.

Genderfluid is a type of nonbinary gender. It is used by people who have shifts in their gender identification. These shifts may occur regularly such as biweekly, or infrequently every few years. The importance isn’t on how often the shift happens, but rather on the shift itself.

The genderfluid flag consists of five horizontal stripes. These are the colors and their meanings:

  • Pink – feminity
  • Blue – masculinity
  • Purple – both feminity and masculinity
  • Black – lack of gender
  • White – all genders

How does Genderfluidity Compare To Other Terms?

Genderfluid isn’t as mainstream as terms such as trans, nonbinary, or agender. Therefore, many people misuse the term genderfluid. Let’s see how it compares to them.


A transgender person’s gender differs from the one they were assigned at birth. On the other hand, a genderfluid person may identify as multiple genders throughout their life. On top of that, with every gender shift comes a change in their physical, cognitive, and emotional state.


A person who identifies as nonbinary rejects the binary genders. Think of nonbinary gender term a massive umbrella that almost all genders besides men and women fall under. Genderfluid is one of them. Hence, the genderfluid person is also nonbinary, but not vice-versa.

Signs That You Are Genderfluid

Discovering your gender identity is something massive. As such, we felt the need to include the most common signs and traits all genderfluid folk share. Read on to see how they relate to you.

Having A Consistent Gender Makes You Uncomfortable

As we have mentioned earlier, gender shifts are the defining trait of genderfluid identity. These people have a hard time sticking to one gender to the extent it becomes suffocating.

You Experience Gender Dysphoria

The word dysphoria may bring a lot of negative thoughts. So, let’s clear it up. Gender dysphoria is a condition that occurs when a person feels distressed because of a strong desire to be another gender. While this sign isn’t a clear indicator one is genderfluid, it points you in the nonbinary direction.

Answering “What Is Your Gender” Is Extremely Difficult

Most of the people who don’t identify as a man or a woman may find it hard to answer that question. But, it becomes increasingly harder when you have to explain that last week you identified as a woman and that today you are demigender. If that sounds like you, there’s a good chance you are genderfluid. Make sure to take the test and get an accurate answer.