Misanthropy Test – 100% Honest Quiz

Are you repulsed by other humans? Take this test and find out if you are a misanthrope.


Am I A Misanthrope?

There are a few ways of determining your misanthropic traits. The most reliable way is with self-discovery, by examining your emotions and relationships. However, that takes a long time and who wants to deal with all these thoughts?

That’s why we have a shortcut – a misanthrope test designed to spot a misanthrope from a mile away. It has 20 simple questions with no right or wrong answer.

Who Is A Misanthrope?

A misanthrope is someone who hates or distrusts other people. The word misanthrope has Greek origins, “misein Anthropos”, literally meaning “to hate people.”

They reject common social norms and interactions. Instead, they believe they are above others and live by their own practices and beliefs. To put it in other words, someone who hates airplanes avoids flying. Similarly, misanthropes avoid dealing with people as much as possible.

That said, misanthropes may still have normal relationships with certain people. Their pre-existing hate for humankind makes them very selective when it comes to friends or potential romantic partners.

Different Types Of Misanthropes

Throughout the centuries, there have been several attempts to categorize misanthropy behavior. For the purpose of this test, we will stick with Immanuel Kant’s theory of positive and negative misanthropy.

Positive Misanthrope

A positive misanthrope is someone who wants other people to hurt or harm them in some way. They are the real enemies of humanity.

Negative Misanthrope

A passive misanthrope is a person who isolates themselves from others. They see deep flaws in others but wish them the best regardless. It is usually caused by negative interactions in the past.

Signs That Scream Misanthrope

Misanthropy comes in different shapes and forms, but there are certain underlying signs they all have in common.

You Don’t Stand Chit Chats

Misanthropes don’t have the patience for small talk. Their ideal conversation consists of a series of yes or no sentences. On top of that, they get visibly annoyed if a conversation takes longer than they want.

You Are Sarcastic

Sometimes you want to call someone stupid, but saying it straight to their face might be too much. So what do you do? You resort to sarcasm.

You Are An Introvert

There are countless reasons why someone is an introvert. Yours is the fact you are smarter than other people and can’t stand dealing with them. Whether it is working, shopping, or entertainment, you prefer to do everything from the solitude of your home.

You Dislike Kids

A person who can’t stand adults often has an even harder time dealing with children. Being invited to your acquaintance’s kids’ birthday party is one of your biggest nightmares.

Reunions Are A Big No No For You

Most of the people love reunions. The family ones allow them to gather all their loved ones, while the academic reunions allow them to reconnect with old friends. It is all followed by a ton of excitement and anticipation. But for you, it is a dreadful experience you can’t find an excuse to avoid fast enough.